Deploying Foursight

As mentioned in the getting started documentation, there are two stages supported by Foursight: dev and prod. Dev is used for developmental work, such as building new checks and testing them on live Fourfront environments. Prod is used production Foursight code and should only be deployed to when you are certain your checks are functioning correctly. The current way to deploy Foursight locally is to use the script like this (from the root directory of the project):

>>> python -m deploy <stage>

Where <stage> is either dev or prod. If there is a packaging issue with your code, Chalice will catch it and log messages accordingly.

You will need a number of environment variables to be present locally to be able to deploy Foursight.

You can also run a local deployment of the dev application by running ‘chalice local’. This is the recommended method for testing fixes that do not require a true deployment to test.

Automatic deployments

The Github repository for Chalice is outfitted with Github Actions and can be deployed when code is merged into the master branch by running the action available from the Action tab on GitHub.

Running tests

As you add checks to Foursight, please take the time to create tests for them. The current test setup is pretty basic: the Python unittest package can be executed locally from the root directory with the following command:

python -m test # run all tests
# can also run with <optional test class>.<optional test fxn>
python -m TestCheckUtils.test_fetch_check_group